We might be dead by tomorrow.
Be safe. Be free.
life goal: be a fluffy unicorn
Do more & Know more & Be more 清醒 独立 克制 自由而不放荡 世事洞明 人情练达 ENFJ
INFP-T | Keep calm and be happy.
Web3大龄观察员. 世界上最好的爸爸. Always be a mfer. 知乎:中本愚(致力于每个人都能看懂的web3科普)
With freedom,flowers,books,andthemoon,who couldnot be perfectly happy?
To be bigger on the inside 终有一天,会再相见
要在社会创新&可持续发展领域翻滚一辈子! Be who you imagine, Create what you need 东西|南北大乱炖
Be well
没有道德,不讲规则 三观不正,五官还行 人生孤惨是常态 Be lonely,be happy 我讲的东西都是在放p “从未开车”创始人
I”ll be an artist next life 主业冲浪/生命体验家/佛系投资/日常运动13项 体力旺脾气臭/爱运动的都能交个朋友
want to be a jerk
Ex Huobi Investment Intern UChicago公共政策硕士在读 Be reliable.
一个说点心里话,分享点灵感&收获的地方 Be water
be brave be cool
Don't worry,Be happy~
决定主动支棱起来。 Always finding a way to be productive. 保持乐观,保持谨慎,保持前进。
To be free and unafraid.
即使你满身是刺 他也会张开双手拥抱你
座右铭:Do it, be cool, have fun. 热爱美食、旅行、读书、摄影 古典产品经理 | Bytedance | Baidu
Just be yourself
Don't be afraid of being dif, be afraid of being the same
In the future, everyone will want to be anonymous for fifteen minutes.
厨子戏子我是鼓子 俏皮话入门 勉强会写点脚本语言 2088年的收纳师 be normal but do the abnormal thing
Wherever you are I'm always by your side
Be better
We Will Be Fight
Let self-love be your superpower
let there be light
Daily Quotes & Perceptions by Naval Ravikant.
Who is John Galt?.. 【自由人Libero】主播。 一个兴趣广泛、但十分肤浅的人。 Be JOMO. No FOMO.
✨to be better✨
To be or not to be, that is the question.
⚜ Be patient. ⚜ Be fine. ⚜ Be balanced. ⚜ Be kind.
Don't be perfect. Be brave.
雲山野犬 Be the change you want to see
A life lived in love will never be dull
Suicidal romanticist/I don't really need to be heard 现在知识付费 想免费挨骂的勿扰
where there is desire?there is gonna be a flame。