Life is a playground.
Big brother is watching you. 喜欢观察人类。
to define is to limit . . . . RPDC
INFJ-T ig @jtki Home is the 6️⃣
精神分析学徒 therapy is the art of waiting
Creativity is intelligence having fun 都市修行着平和耐心谦卑有礼 Twitter@Aretha612
The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.
time is like a leaf in the wind
后浪 / HODLong 播客主理人,跳海酒馆璀璨钻石打酒师,Beauty is truth; truth beauty
以无制有,器用者空。 创造丨内容丨策展 Jike is my own garden. Twitter@wenser2010
#crypto winter is my breakfast. #已婚交易员. #非财务投资建议 #无广告推广
真诚,温暖和快乐 日拱一卒,功不唐捐 The best is yet to come.
36氪码字儿民工 摄影 | 摇滚乐 | 电影 | 健身 擅长梭边边 Balance is everything. 精神北京&川渝人
做点战略与行研 关注互联网 AB 面 正在学习 Web3 保持好奇和有趣是第一要义 a leisurely stroll is a gift
Less is exponentially more.
hoops is life. ☀️ 俗人一枚,贪财好色。 感情黑洞,不是好人。 偶尔社牛,疯疯癫癫。 有点儿小臭屁hhh
Blue is the warmest color.
DTC品牌出海创业ing It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering.
The movie is over.
the Media is the Message|视频产品经理 人文主义|自我书写|松弛快乐
Buidler | The past is a foreign country
我独自在这世间流浪 Nemo is so cute~
对生活保持热爱! ★只争朝夕,不问明日。★ “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”:
@世界银行IFC SG 亚太投资| 播客&公众号『自然膨胀』主理人 | lingdao.eth | Web3 is fun |德扑疯
Life is stranger
Who is Your Hero 可口可乐比百事可乐贵千字
Vague is bad. 做一个没有包袱的人
招人,wx: qqtwin;备注web3
The World is Your Oyster SDE➡️BA➡️PM➡️Designer
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
entj|需要想象力|媒介素养 冷静有自信|长久有耐心 smart is sexy
Nothing is all.
Who is John Galt?.. 【自由人Libero】主播。 一个兴趣广泛、但十分肤浅的人。 Be JOMO. No FOMO.
Life is bright,everything is lovely.
Life is fantastic. 正儿八经的成都高中生
The future is wonderful, the future is terrifying.
labor is meaningful 做产品的小女孩
To be or not to be, that is the question.
Love is always here . 胶卷 | 拍立得 | 漫画 甜食爱好者 | 展览癖 | 咖啡上瘾症