dukkha▫️metta Becoming a yogi from Angel to PE then someday nowhere
to define is to limit . . . . RPDC
pe fund投研狗 家有俩猫
going to the mattresses 随机奋斗随机松弛 在即刻观察自己 . : . 朋友们,别矫情 欢迎跨境/银发相关找我聊聊天
Dare to participate and dare to influence
我们活在计算机模拟中。 主业研究神学(不是,但真想), 从美元PE跑路的, 现在在Mask Network搞生态投资
红圈律所 PE VC+banking初年级律师 可能生活得比较梦幻 Emelialu
To be bigger on the inside 终有一天,会再相见
是煩/ 加密行业快乐学习中/hodl to earn/去ktv必唱rap
真诚,温暖和快乐 日拱一卒,功不唐捐 The best is yet to come.
ENTJ|前中信投行,现创业 咨询、外交、PE、投行等领域从业过 会讲英法西意四门外语的创业者 喜欢绅装穿搭的前理工男 LA-巴黎-HK
want to be a jerk
Ground control to Major Tom.
Who are you? Who slips into my robot body and whispers to ghost?
决定主动支棱起来。 Always finding a way to be productive. 保持乐观,保持谨慎,保持前进。
outlier, optimist, sleep zealot It's time to shake up the old guards.
To be free and unafraid.
To Cure Sometimes, To Relieve Often, To Comfort Always.
DTC品牌出海创业ing It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering.
产品经理at抖音电商,前滴滴社区团购/网约车 INTJ Ordinary man with nothing to lose
In the future, everyone will want to be anonymous for fifteen minutes.
对生活保持热爱! ★只争朝夕,不问明日。★ “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”:
And then I met you~
⛰️ back to real life
喜欢拍照 电影 音乐 顺便在这里记录些絮叨 吃货 过油肉拌面本命 To find each other and to feel.
Just another mean person. Addicted to real life. Come watch TV?
新晋长尾人民币fo小透明 深度分销退坑 爱好chereography 曾混迹PE/FOF 重拾腹肌中
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
为人类进步做一点微小的贡献 住过40一晚的虹桥青旅,见过12点后的断桥晚亭 gradually then suddenly
投消费,天使到Pre-IPO 人类的悲欢并不相同,而有趣的灵魂终将相互勾兑。 w:songrenjie_angel
全链财经创始人 关注VC PE TMT 媒体人and投资人 睿智犀利,会批评更喜欢建设,跑过新闻,导过纪录片,做过投资,喜欢有思维高度的人。
✨to be better✨
earn then run
to live on and bear witness
INTJ,PE从业 6年互联网和消费行业的商业分析和投资 公号:永庆投研 新人b站up主:商业资本论
To be or not to be, that is the question.