Life is bright,everything is lovely.
Life is a playground.
Big brother is watching you. 喜欢观察人类。
to define is to limit . . . . RPDC
Transform life into fiction.
Shall we savour life together?
INFJ-T ig @jtki Home is the 6️⃣
精神分析学徒 therapy is the art of waiting
Creativity is intelligence having fun 都市修行着平和耐心谦卑有礼 Twitter@Aretha612
The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.
time is like a leaf in the wind
后浪 / HODLong 播客主理人,跳海酒馆璀璨钻石打酒师,Beauty is truth; truth beauty
a foolish life hacker, playing in the web3.
以无制有,器用者空。 创造丨内容丨策展 Jike is my own garden. Twitter@wenser2010
#crypto winter is my breakfast. #已婚交易员. #非财务投资建议 #无广告推广
真诚,温暖和快乐 日拱一卒,功不唐捐 The best is yet to come.
I”ll be an artist next life 主业冲浪/生命体验家/佛系投资/日常运动13项 体力旺脾气臭/爱运动的都能交个朋友
一个比较容易松弛的人 主业做咨询的 Dance for life 蒙古舞➡️社交舞➡️popping and more
live a fajo: life!
36氪码字儿民工 摄影 | 摇滚乐 | 电影 | 健身 擅长梭边边 Balance is everything. 精神北京&川渝人
做点战略与行研 关注互联网 AB 面 正在学习 Web3 保持好奇和有趣是第一要义 a leisurely stroll is a gift
Less is exponentially more.
Believe in future,ardently love life & photography
hoops is life. ☀️ 俗人一枚,贪财好色。 感情黑洞,不是好人。 偶尔社牛,疯疯癫癫。 有点儿小臭屁hhh
Blue is the warmest color.
你中意世界尽头 我留在冷酷仙境 游戏3D模 型师(走肉) 间歇中二症 电影美剧中毒 喜欢雷声 ❤️苏打绿❤️ 正合我意
DTC品牌出海创业ing It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering.
The movie is over.
the Media is the Message|视频产品经理 人文主义|自我书写|松弛快乐
Buidler | The past is a foreign country
Music Life Pretty 网易云:MusicSmith B站/微博/豆瓣:博目观天下 深夜孤独症患者
我独自在这世间流浪 Nemo is so cute~
对生活保持热爱! ★只争朝夕,不问明日。★ “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”:
@世界银行IFC SG 亚太投资| 播客&公众号『自然膨胀』主理人 | lingdao.eth | Web3 is fun |德扑疯
Life is stranger
Who is Your Hero 可口可乐比百事可乐贵千字
⛰️ back to real life
Vague is bad. 做一个没有包袱的人
love life,keep forward
招人,wx: qqtwin;备注web3